Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Guntrader sell guns?

    We do not handle, ship, hold in stock, or take payment for guns or accessories of any kind. Guntrader sells advertising space to red-brick businesses that are licenced and operating under Government legislation in the UK. We are a digital-only business.

  • What I want to sell isn’t in your system?

    It is unusual, but sometimes we haven’t seen some things before, and so you’re not able to list what you’re trying to sell. We maintain tight control over the listings to ensure they’re as accurate as possible. You can have your item added by emailing: [email protected] or calling 01666 575272.

  • What I want to buy isn’t listed?

    You can add any kit you’re trying to find using our wanted function. This will allow more than 400 UK-based dealers to see the kit you’re searching for. You’ll be emailed as soon as the item is advertised on our site so you can connect with the dealer and complete the sale.

  • How much does it cost to sell on Guntrader?

    You can find information on the cost of using our service via pricing.

  • I have a question the FAQ doesn’t cover?

    Please email us at [email protected] or call 01666 575272. We’re available Monday to Friday 09:00-17:30 excluding bank holidays.

  • Does Guntrader sell guns?

    We do not handle, ship, hold in stock, or take payment for guns or accessories of any kind. Guntrader sells advertising space to red-brick businesses that are licenced and operating under Government legislation in the UK.

  • What is Guntrader?

    Guntrader is the largest and most popular marketplace for connecting buyers and sellers in the UK shooting industry. We believe shooting for work and recreation is beneficial, safe, accessible and fun.

  • Why would I use Guntrader?

    Guntrader sees more than 2.6million unique users a year, more than any other website in the UK shooting industry. We are synonymous with buying, selling and finding all kinds of guns, accessories and kit. All our listings are for guns, accessories and kit that is still for sale, in that moment, all the time. We have the largest, most current, and most diverse guns for sale database in the UK.

  • What I want to sell isn’t in your system?

    It is unusual, but sometimes we haven’t seen some things before, and so you’re not able to list what you’re trying to sell. We maintain tight control over the listings to ensure they’re as accurate as possible. You can have your item added by emailing: [email protected] or calling 01666 575272.

  • How do I know if it works?

    Each week your gun is for sale you will receive an email update to inform you how many people have looked at your listing, and how many have revealed your contact information. Good photographs have the biggest impact on a successful sale.

  • How much does it cost?

    You can find information on the cost of using our service via pricing.

  • How will people contact me?

    You can add an email address and a mobile telephone number to your listing. People interested in buying from you will use these contact details.

  • How do people find my advert?

    People using the internet to search will find your listing at the top of their results more often than not because we rank Number 1 for most of the keywords used by the search engine. They will also find your listing when they search on the Guntrader website by type, distance, and price.

  • How long will my advert last?

    Your listing will be live on the site for thirty days and your gun will normally sell within this time. If you haven’t had any interest at the end of thirty days email [email protected] or call 01666 575272 and we’ll have a look at how the listing did and see what can be improved.

  • What should I say in my advert?

    Think about what you would like to know if you were buying what you are trying to sell. High-quality photos from a number of different angles, and some closeups of where the most wear occurs, provide the best level of confidence for a potential buyer and will make the biggest difference to your sale. Include as much detail as you can about the Make and Model. People will search using all kinds of criteria including calibre, stock length and steel proof.

  • How should I contact the seller?

    The seller will be a TRADE or PRIVATE seller. Both will have contact information next to the listing. You can find more contact and location information for TRADE sellers via the dealer search.

  • How do I find a local seller?

    To find a TRADE seller close to you just use the dealer search.

  • I have a question about the listing?

    Please direct your question to the seller via their contact information in the listing.

  • How do I buy a gun?

    We don’t accept any payment for the items listed for sale on our site. Please make your arrangements to pay directly with the seller.

  • What I want to buy isn’t listed?

    You can add any kit you’re trying to find using our wanted function. This will allow more than 400 UK-based dealers to see the kit you’re searching for. You’ll be emailed as soon as the item is advertised on our site so you can connect with the dealer and complete the sale.

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