Pistols (Long Barrel) for sale

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  • Grand Power .22 LR K22 X-Trim


    Grand Power .22 LR K22 X-Trim

    Semi-Auto Pistol (Long Barrel) (R/H) - New

    4 images(4)



    Trade Seller

    The K22 X-Trim Plus is the top of the range pistol from Grand Power. The features of the X-Trim Plus variant include a stylish machined slide for desired lightening, serrations for added grip, fully adjustable Elliason micrometric rear sight…

  • Grand Power .22 LR K22 X-Trim Plus


    Grand Power .22 LR K22 X-Trim Plus

    Semi-Auto Pistol (Long Barrel) (R/H) - New

    3 images(3)



    Trade Seller

    The K22 X-Trim Plus is the top of the range pistol from Grand Power. The features of the X-Trim Plus variant include a stylish machined slide for desired lightening, serrations for added grip, fully adjustable Elliason micrometric rear sight…

  • GSG .22 LR 1911 Stainless


    GSG .22 LR 1911 Stainless

    Semi-Auto Pistol (Long Barrel) (R/H) - New

    4 images(4)



    Trade Seller

    The .22LR version of GSG's 1911 combined classic uniqueness with exciting new technology and features, including several safety functions to meet today's rigorous standards. From casual users to competitive shooting, the GSG 1911 belongs in…

  • GSG .22 LR 1911 US-TAN


    GSG .22 LR 1911 US-TAN

    Semi-Auto Pistol (Long Barrel) (R/H) - New

    4 images(4)



    Trade Seller

    The .22LR version of GSG's 1911 combined classic uniqueness with exciting new technology and features, including several safety functions to meet today's rigorous standards. From casual users to competitive shooting, the GSG 1911 belongs in…

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